Collection: A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game

There had been several attempts to build a miniatures line around the work of GRR Martin way before HBO made Game of Thrones the biggest fantasy license on the planet. Even FFG had had a go with a Battles of Westeros adaptation of the Battlelore system. 

CMON went back to the books and worked with Darksword who already had a ASOIAF miniatures line so knew the source material backwards. And the result is amazing - by far the best fantasy skirmish game out there. 

Your army? That's just one part of the game. Cardplay simulates fog of war and political infighting - now your heroes don't have to be in the battle to influence the outcome which, makes this the perfect boardgame mini cardgame fusion, with the most amazing sculpts. 

Thing about Song of Ice and Fire though is that it is about the factions. Starting with the Starks and Lannisters, CMON rolled out Knights Watch, Free Folk, Baratheons and Targaryeans. A horde of Dothraki on warhorses? Sign me up!

Now you can replay the War of the Five Kings and maybe get a better result. If Benioff and Weiss had played this, who knows who would be sat on the Iron Throne right now?  


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